микросхема Cathédrale Notre-Dame

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Cathédrale Notre-Dame

Visite.org 59400 Cambrai (Nord)
This was the former church of the abbey of the Holy Sepulchre and was only made a cathedral after the French Revolution. It was built at the beginning of the 18th century in the classical style and resembles the cathedral of Arras, which was built at the same time. The nave, which has five bays, is flanked by side aisles and runs up to a transept that is closed by two chapels that serve as an apse. The trompe-l'œil grisaille frescoes in the chapels were painted about 1760 by the Flemish artist Martin Geeraert. The choir, which is surrounded by an ambulatory.
связаться ' Cathédrale Notre-Dame '

  • Château De La Motte Fenelon Square Du Château 59400 Cambrai начиная с 75.00 &евро;

    забронируйте  Château De La Motte Fenelon
  • Inter Hôtel Tabl'hôtel Route Nationale 59400 Cambrai начиная с 52.00 &евро;

    забронируйте  Inter Hôtel Tabl'hôtel
  • Le Chateau De Ligny 2 Rue Pierre Curie 59191 Cambrai начиная с 120.00 &евро;

    забронируйте  Le Chateau De Ligny
  • La Cense Lignère - roulotte et chambre d'hôtes en Avesnois 760, rue des Linières 59550 Prisches 59550 Prisches

  • Best western hotel Royal Picardie Avenue du Général Leclerc 80300 Albert

  • CAMPING 9 rue du marais 80800 Chipilly

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