
Patrimonio da  visitare , Città e paesi in Nord Pas de Calais

    Cities and Villages
    In the bend of a street or an alley, discover in the course of your walks the secrets of cities and villages of our regions. Remarkable facades, places, houses of times and many other hidden treasures, here is which treasures offer themselves to you. Picturesque villages of countrysides in the big metropolises, take time to promenade and to appreciate.
11 in Nord Pas de Calais.
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico in Nord Pas de Calais é gratuito

Città e paesi a Bergues

Bergues 59380 Bergues (Nord)
Known as the ‘Other Bruges in Flanders’, Bergues has fine, yellowbrick ramparts which are well worth seeing. Don’t miss the former
pawnbroker’s (now the town’s museum), the Grand Place with ...

Città e paesi a Cassel

Cassel 59670 Cassel (Nord)
Cassel perches precariously on the top of a hill which rises 176 metres above the flat Flanders fields. The view from the summit across the plains seems to go forever and it is easy to see
why there ...

Città e paesi a Armentières

Armentières 59280 Armentières (Nord)
A small Flemish town near the Belgian border, Armentières is the Gateway to Flanders. The town flourished thanks to its textile and brewing industries and its prosperity is reflected in the ...
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico in Nord Pas de Calais é gratuito